Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I formed my own society to crush the bear of fecundity

In news just to hand...

...three British Court of Appeal judges have ruled that manboobs (or "moobs") are not sexually alluring (story via Metrosexual).

The legal minds had to make the judgement after a man was convicted of voyeurism after filming another man's top half at a public swimming pool.

Ahhhh.. I think we know better, don't we dear readers.


Anonymous said...

Manboobs? Man-boobs? Man boobs? Hmmm...

Susie Bright: man-nipples.

Unknown said...

Sexy as.

Robyn said...

Woo-hoo! This mean my exclusive range of sexy manbras can now be advertised in The Times! Fames and fortunes, here I come!!!

Unknown said...
