Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Ain't nothing going on...

Mo'vember Update

Progress: I'm well sick of this fucking moustache. It's bristley, itchy, and women give me funny looks. It also - apparently - makes me look like a paedophile. (Although it could be argued that my accuser just has trouble accepting that he finds attractive men.. well.. attractive).

Basically I can't wait until the end of the month. However, you can make the next 8 or so days more bearable by sponsoring my hirsuteness. Here is the officially-sanctioned spiel re. the same:

Hi all,

During Movember (the month formerly known as November) I'll be growin a moustache. That's right I'm bringing the Mo back because I'm passionate about changing the state of men's health.

Male health is a major issue, did you know:

  1. Men are far less healthy than women. The average life expectancy of males is 6 years less than females.
  2. Every year in New Zealand about 600 men die of prostate cancer – about the same as the number of women who die from breast cancer.

Help me change the face of men's health by sponsoring my mo.

Please go to, enter my Rego number which is 55551 and your credit card details. All donations over $5 are tax deductible.

The money raised by Movember will be used to create awareness and fund support networks for those that suffer from prostate cancer.


More info is available at

Movember is proudly grown by Motorola, Polaroid, Remington and VB. Movember is proud partners with the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand.

So yeah.

Y'know, all this comedy-moustache growing must make those who usually sport a hairy decoration upon their upper lips feel kinda stink. Everyone's all like "ewww gross.. a moustache.. ha ha ha ha ha gross out.. kiddie-fiddler" etc. and they're all quietly going "oh. damn. I thought I looked pretty good".

NP: Leviathan - The Tenth Sub Level Of Suicide (Encyclopaedia Metallum)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Mo'vember update: 1/2-way mark

Pictured (left) is yours truly at about 1 am, Thursday 16th. Observe stunning bed-hair.

Progress: Disappointing. However, although some health experts have warned against it, I have a new model to aspire to. A Lemmy (right).

NP: Urfaust - II: Verraeterischer, Nichtswuerdiger Geist (Encyclopaedia Metallum)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mo'vember update

Pictured (right) is yours truly at about midnight, Monday 13th. While there is now certainly something approaching definition, my upper lip is nowhere near as hirsute as I had hoped for at this point, nearly 1/2 way through the month. I've been in Auckland again the last few days and the (moderate but certainly not excessive) humidity must not be good for mo'-growin.

I'm thinking I may have to resort to hair-growth encouragement strategies. Top of the list would be such time-honoured tactics as:
1. Lotions / potions / tonics
2. Pagan hair-growth encouragement rituals (poss. see 1.)
3. Mo'-dancing (see: rain-dancing)
and so on.

Your suggestions are welcomed.

NP: Katharsis - VVorld VVithout End (Aquarius Records website)

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Ooh haven't I been a bad blogger. Who's a bad blogger? Me.. me.. that's who. Been flitting about all over the place - playing music, having fun, working a bit.. and not keeping y'all informed. Sorry. Now on to the topic at hand.


It's Mo'vember. I'm participating. It's all in a good cause; men's health. You can read about it here.

So at the beginning of the month I was clean-shaven - or at least as clean-shaven as I ever get in public (see right). That means.. about days worth of stubble - a light sprinkling - nothing too serious at all.

Design Phase

I decided at the outset that I wanted to go for a kinda "Carlos the Jackal" (assassin) combined with a "John Wayne Gacy" (serial killer):

Not that I can even find a decent picture of Carlos the Jackel with a mustache; he really was the master of disguise, I guess. I hope this one (above, left) with the well-groovy glasses will suffice.

Implementation Phase

Now, one week in, we have the beginnings of mo'. As you can see (left) I have not quite achieved the desired aesthetic effect - more of a 1970s undercover cop thing going on.

However, all is not lost; this possibly may be able to be groomed into a fully-stylish Grizz Wylie (right) - we shall see.

Stay tuned.

NP: Basic Channel - Basic Channel (wikipedia)