Thursday, June 26, 2008

Every kayaker needs a compass

Tonight there was quite definitely the sound of a cicada coming from the bush under the sign by the carpark outside the Newtown Sportsbar and liquor store.

I shit you not.

One solitary cicada, months out of season, rubbing his little noisemakers and exhibiting a longevity that would do a centennarian proud.

I really wanted to stop and say something to the plucky little blighter. "Look, what are you DOING? It's the middle of winter. GET BACK TO BED!"

Instead I played him some Glen Brown out of my headphones.

Glen Brown and King Tubby - Father For The Living Dubwise (1.86 MB mp3: right-click and Save As to download; play using the handy little embedded player below)

Didn't shut him up, though.


Robyn said...

Cicadas make the best noises. You must go to this website and click on the 17-Year Cicada noise. And then sample it.

The Cicada: Nature's Car Alarm


The Cicada: Nature's BBC Radiophonic Workshop

lovebites said...

i like cicadas
and one in winter is a good omen
i am sure

Anonymous said...

I played him some Glen Brown out of my headphones.

there was no cicada in this moment, was there hunter? really, is this what teh drugz do?
