Monday, May 26, 2008

The horse, the man, and his son?

One of the cool things about the shops in Newtown is that as a general rule, they make a bit more of an effort with the ethnic diversity of their showroom dummies. I particularly enjoyed this little hybrid/multi-cultural family in a Riddiford St window:

Especially the accidental pseudo-religious effect produced by my phone camera when trying to deal with the blow-out from the from-above lighting. Sorry about the crappy photos.

Tilahun Gessesse with the Walias Band - Untitled wailing Ethio-funk classic (14.4 MB mp3: right-click and Save As to download; play using the handy little embedded player below)

Awesome Tapes from Africa is not exactly my Favourite New Blog; more like a perennial favourite for a long time now. If I had time I'd possibly start one in kind: "Awesome Tapes from Newtown", or something.


Robyn said...

The manchild boygod: he is ready to hit the town in the early 1960s, hanging out at a milk bar, looking at the hep chicks, loitering outside the local picture theatre, and making the crippled mans walk again.

Anonymous said...

One of the most interesting scenes I have witnessed in recent times was at that shop.

I was walking to work and saw the proprieter changing the outfits on the mannequins. He tried to preserve the dignity of his female mannequins by stringing up a large white sheet across the window, so that their plastic lady bits couldn't be seen by stray passers-by.

Bless him. It was really quite sweet (albeit slightly disturbing).