Friday, December 21, 2007

What is and what should never be

The other night I dreamt that I was doing Led Zeppelin songs at a karaoke bar.

Not just easy ones, either. I was in some kind of competition, and I won it by getting somewhat intoxicated and utterly nailing What is and what should never be, from Led Zeppelin II. Drunken master indeed.
Led Zeppelin - What is and what should never be (3.46 MB mp3: right-click and Save As to download; play using the handy little embedded player below)

Not that this scenario would be in the least bit plausible IRL, because I can't sing to save myself. I do love that song, though.

I was a huge Led Zeppelin fan when I was a teenager, then I went completely off them. Recently I started pulling out all their albums, though, and was stunned by just how bloody marvellous most of their recorded output is. When I awoke it took me quite a while to find out what exactly the song was that I had been singing -- had no idea, y'dig -- and eventually I found it tucked away on the first side of II, between the twin towers of horror that are Whole Lotta Love and The Lemon Song. Which just goes to show... something...

1 comment:

dad4justice said...

As a teenager I gave up tennis just so I could play the air guitar to Led Zep's songs .My parents and neighbours thought I was insane as they had hearing problems due to the noise level of my stereo.The good ol'days eh . It is so cool that they're back into blasting out the sound .