Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Mai xmas tree, let me show you it

On Monday I mentioned the majesty of the Xmas tree; since then there has been much interest and many requests to see same. So as teh kitteh sumtimez sez, let me show you it:

Here you have the loveliness of the sprucelet, nestled there on the breakfast bar, all green and non-pine-smelling. You can clearly see the Xmas baby sock-monkey angel, in situ this time, and the smattering of gifts. You can see one of the somewhat-oversized fake wooden (and befeathered) doves, in which Harry shows only vague interest -- mainly in scenting them, he hasn't yet tried to eat one. I may also have forgotten to mention the silver decoration that more-than-slightly resembles razor-wire.

Here's Harry, reclining in his bed under the tree and showing only vague interest in the fake wooden doves:

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