Thursday, November 29, 2007

First BBQ of the season

Yesterday was a luverly day, and so it was decreed by Ms. K and a number of friends that we would barbie the q. Hence I raced home from work, out again for charcoal and kindling and balsamic and wine, back home once more.. and proceeded to build a miniature raging inferno in the back yard (see left).

We used my choice little portable barbie which I picked up two summers ago for about $20 at the Big Red Shed. When it's folded up and packed away it's basically a big metal handbag.

I cooked 12 sausages, 2 half-chickens and some chicken breast fillets on it. The only thing I might have done differently would have been to wait a few more minutes before whipping the meat out, because the sausages charred a little too much. But I tell you what, when you've got people snapping at your heels, hurrying you to get the food cooked -- people who just don't understand the fine art of cooking with fire -- people who think barbequing on gas is the bee's proverbial.... well it's hard to stand around casually poking things with a stick saying "You gotta wait.. you gotta wait".

Harry was no help at all, sifting around, trying to get at the chicken and sausages; he was also very funny though, because he found that if he got too close, the invisible (!) heat from the coals made his eyeballs start to melt and he spent a lot of time sneaking around on his belly, blinking in bewilderment. You can see him there on the left, taking stock of the situation and licking at his harbalz. (Harry! Company! Stop it!)

Some BBQ music:
Herbie Hancock - Chameleon (7.21 MB mp3: right-click and Save As to download; play using the handy little embedded player below)

Goodness I'm bald....


Tom said...

"The only thing I might have done differently would have been to wait a few more minutes before whipping the meat out"

That's sage advice in soooo many situations.

s. said...

I'm so surprised you beat Joanna to that comment, Tom, and a little annoyed too since it was set up especially for her...

Mr Stephen Rowe said...

BBQ with gas? That's just plain wrong...

All you need is a shopping tolley filled with charcoal, some meths to start the show going and a meat pack or two - you can feed a small army with that set up...

s. said...

I thoroughly concur, #3. Though I do prefer lighter fluid myself.