Friday, October 26, 2007

Resurrecting history pt. 2

Late January, 2005
Operational HQ, Urewera National Park

It's meal time at the base in the heart of the forest, but Tame Iti is upset and rather off his food. He has changed into his coat of many colours*, and is far more interested in talking radical politics than eating. On the table between them is a ceremonial meal of roasted meat; the ritual sacrament is known as The long arm of the law. The DragoAngel of Attractive Home Lighting Solutions is pestering Tame Iti to tell him if he's going to eat his share of the food, and if not, can he have it. Tame Iti is talking about Eldridge Cleaver, and paying no attention. Now the DragoAngel is paying no attention either, he is humming softly. Beneath his breath he is singing along to the song playing on the radio...
What is happening to my skin?
Where is that protection that I needed?
Air can hurt you too
Air can hurt you too
Some people say not to worry about the air
Some people don't know shit about the...
Air... Air...
It can break your heart

* This is how Tame Iti, ever the prankster, refers his camouflage casual wear.

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