Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The news for (the day after) Tues

In other news...

Low response to postal voting
Apathy is looming as the biggest issue at this month's local body elections, with early voting figures suggesting a record low turnout. One person realised only a month ago that Wellington's mayor is a woman.

Fer fuckssakes, people, would you vote already? Please?

Muso on dope charge
A New Zealand musician has been detained for a week at Dubai International Airport for possession of marijuana. A customs inspector caught the 48-year-old New Zealander and father of thirteen children -- identified only as B A -- after searching him and finding about 25gm of marijuana.

The mystery man describes himself thusly:
a renowned musician who dedicated his life to nurturing underprivileged children and families through the art of music and musical expression.
Oooh gossip me up! What does B.A. stand for? Bryan Adams? He's Canadian, though, can't be him.

1 comment:

Tom said...

"Fer fuckssakes, people, would you vote already? Please?"

Just as soon as I can think of a candidate for whom, in all conscience, I can actually vote.