Friday, September 21, 2007

Catching up

Sorry about the delay there; nothing to worry about, just had a bit of a messy midweek with which to contend. Thanks for your long-suffering tolerance, though.
  • I has a profile at NZ Cricket Online. Nothing to get excited about, though, it's all a bit of a laugh. Speaking of cricket, though, it's almost the beginning of the new season, and the mighty Falconhawk(e) is about to rise from the ashes of um.. last season.
  • The Commonsense Nihilist is taking the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service head-on in his own inimitable way.
  • It was Kiran's birthday the other night; we had a drunken blast -- part of which involved her challenging me that I couldn't sling her over my shoulder and cart her down the street (silly girl!). She loved the present I got her.

Oh, and check out these guys:

They're Welsh rugby players Adam Jones, Colin Charvis and Duncan Jones. Aren't they the CUTEST???? Don't you love their hair?

Me too.

They look like big fluffy poodles, not mean, ferocious forwards in a rugby team.

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