Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The tootling of the own-horns

A wee while ago my record label Palindrone released an LP by my band The Stumps. It's round, 30.5 cm across and pressed on black vinyl. It's called Split Fleet Dodge. (And to complete this orgy of self-referentialism, I commissioned myself to provide myself with the art for the jacket.)

I been collecting some property-prop-props for the rekkid, including big ones from FUNcrazy ol' Thurston Moore and Byron Coley:

"Cool New Zealand trio antics from Antony Milton and pals. From winsome electro-dribble, through into full-blown avant-rock splooie, this LP includes some splashy guest organ work by Campbell Kneale and great wobble-vibes galore."

"Great lurching psych/noise rock." - Apex-online 'Boa Melody Bar' website

"Burning" - Mimaroglu music

But most excitingly the album was placed #18 on Thurston Moore and Byron Coley's Bull Tongue Top 80 of 2006 list, in Forced Exposure (in an article originally intended for Vol. 1, No. 26 [March 2007] of the defunct Arthur magazine).

Ok, that's enough outta me. Follow this link if yr real keano and you wanna read some other reviews of the LP; givuz some email lurve if ya wanna get hands on same. Or go see dem boys at Smoke.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whooah! Thurston?! Cool.