Monday, October 02, 2006


Whoo hoo.. the calendar has ticked over and I've got bandwidth again. Or at least, you've got bandwidth again, dear reader, with which to peruse my banal musings. Unfortunately what I DON'T have are the posts full of essential issue which I prepared during the downtime and (or so I thought) carefully saved.

I shall not attempt to recreate; I shall just leave you with this thought: It's really fun getting hate-mail. Much more than you'd think.

NP: Atavist - Atavist (Invada records)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

much more fun, or much more hate mail? or both? ... if you pay me on a word count basis, *I* could send you hate mail ;) but it would be mock hate so perhaps that doesn't count... ah well... back to plodding virtuously away for the gubmint