Sunday, August 27, 2006

Creme de cacao

Here's a quick one for you liqueur connoisseurs: how chocolate-y should a white Creme de Cacao be?

Because, the one I bought on Friday (Kings brand, out of Greenhithe, Auckland) ain't that chocolate-y at all.


Martha Craig said...

I'd say pretty chocolate-y. I had a very memorable chocolate martini (I know, Tom is dying somewhere inside) years ago at Up. It was vodka based, had some choc liquer (can't spell liqueueueuer), and a coffee bean, and it had a very strong chocolate flavour.

It was amazing.

Anonymous said...

I like to spell it cho-clitty... but perhaps that's just me ;)

s. said...

Martha: my 'dark' creme de cacao is extremely "cho-clitty" (thx JebusWoman)... it's a veritable boozy cup of cocoa.

But the white is much, much more subtle.

Kate Borrell said...

Mum had one that was clear liquid in a gold brick bottle. Very tasty.

Anonymous said...

I googled the white cacao and there was no mention of it tasting less chocolately than its brown counterpart, so you were screwed, baby...