Monday, July 31, 2006

Mad Mel

Frustrating news for fans waiting for pick-up shooting and post-production on Mel Gibson's new big-budget biopic "The Passion of Saddam" to be completed.

Meanwhile, Gibson's publicist yesterday denied that there was any truth in the stories currently circulating Hollywood that the feted Oscar-winning actor and director is "bat-shit crazy".

"Mel just needs a holiday, a couple of Xanax", Hiram P. Assgobbler is quoted as saying, "and to stop talkin' it up for tha ladies. This latest project has really taken it out of him."

In other news, rumours are flying that Mel Gibson's father has been inducted into a secretive Australian neo-Nazi organisation. But from the Gibson camp: "that's just fucken bullshit, mate".


Phew. This fact-checking and reporting lark is exhausting. Time for a nice game of Rock, Paper, Saddam, I think.

Rock, Paper, Saddam (442 KB Powerpoint presentation: right-click and Save As to download)

(thanks, Dave).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pretty cool stuff here thank you!!!!!!!