Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Plenty more fish in the sea

WTF is this shit about. (Just photographed on a bollard in Featherston Street). Is this for real? If it is then I want some.

Dear god, it would seem that it is for real.

Plenty More Fish in the CBD is a 'Straight Eye for the Straight Guy' handbook on how to find, get and keep one of those desirable women swimming around out there; who are just waiting to fall hook, line and sinker for the right angler... If you're a wise fisherman you don't want to waste your bait on women in the following categories (1) Crazy Freak Mental, (2) Slapper Ho Dog, (3) Super High Maintenance. No, you want to be using your tackle to hook a number (4) an Outlier, ie The Perfect Woman.

Need I go on?

Unfortunately I/we missed the launch.

Oh god, after all that, I need a drink. I've already done the prerequisite purchasing (above-left). Far be it from me (not, actually) to coin a phrase but today I'm not clock-watching, I'm bottle-watching.


Martha Craig said...

Did you see the "author's" bios? God I need to write a crap book and make some money.

Tom said...

I might have to head off to Rumble's soon for some Brokerage, given the sad emptiness of my gin freezer. I'm glad it doesn't contain anything repulsive (like cucumbers in Hendricks), but I'm a little skeptical about their "Londoner" cocktail: would a true Pearly King be seen anywhere near anything that contains Creme de Mure? "'ang about, guv, you're taking the Michael, innit!"

s. said...

Hmm, you may be right on both counts. Cucumber and rose? Ewww. Have to try it at least once, though - have you? And I'm sorry to say that The Londoner sounds.. well, if not revolting, then not my cup of tea at all.

Oh, if you knock into Rumble while you're there, tell him you read about it here.

Tom said...

No, I haven't tried Hendricks, as I have a very low cucumber tolerance. At least they didn't try to call the "Londoner" a Martini.