Winston Peters (I guess you could call 16 hours in bed on Sunday with the mother-of-all-hangovers a "tangi", if you really wanted to)
Peter Dunne (I guess you could call being a snide petulant twat after the results came in "showing a bit of personality", if you really wanted to)
Rodney Hide (I guess you could call spending 5 weeks bullying the poor people of the Epsom electorate "time well-spent electioneering", if you wanted to)
Don Brash (I guess you could call not conceeding on election-night "a victory of sorts", if you wanted to)
But I fucking swear, if Winston Peters somehow pulls another 1996 trick and ends up forming a government with the National Party after keeping the country on hold for 3 months, I'm going to steal a light-plane, fill it full of explosives, and fly the bastard into Parliament myself.
PS. The irony is, Mr "yawn yawn" Styles, that if your fucking product was as half as good a tool as it was sold to be, I'd have enough time to post three times a day. Print that out and stick it on your white-board of shame, you seedy Churton-park-poon-chasing prick.
Churton Park... sounds like Styles is a swinger.
No Kate...Im not a swinger...Just Stephens wild imagination or the green eyed monster kicking in....
I like the look of Powdered Toast Man. He has muscular arms and a very square jaw line.
"Let's get high" - Towelee
My favourite bit was getting really trashed early on cos it looked like the Nats were winning.
But David, was that in celebration or comiseration?
And Kate, I'm not sure about the rules surrounding fantasies involving cartoon characters. Especially not ones which say thing like "Cling tenaciously to my buttocks".
Ok - maybe not the toast guy. But come on - Samurai Jack is hot!
Did you not have any Pocahontas dreams? (cough)
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