I'm a little sleepy and I feel like I left my head in Sydney at the bottom of a bottle of Smirnoff Blue. I'm truly sorry for the lack of blogging. Oh, and get fucked Styles.
How's your day going? Mine is going:
Oh, am I awake? Must be time for a bloody mary and to go to the pub. Do I have to move any gear anywhere today? No? Good. Oh crap. I have to put on clean clothes and go to work. What's this strange feeling I am experiencing... why, I think it's hunger. How strange to be feeling hungry before 11 at night. Whatever can be going on. Ewww.. people I have to talk to about work stuff. Even worse, I have to make some sense. Can I go to the pub now? What about now? etc.
I've brought back some photos, and I'm pretty sure I didn't bring back any communicable diseases. Stay tuned.
nice....very nice....about bloody time too!
Even worse is that I have to try and get sense out of you *at work*... ;-)
Martini....yik! vodka,lime and water....INDEED!
Is it possible for your hand to communicate to your penis Stephen?
You should be safe from disease me thinks...
Yes, Anon, it is possible, as you and your technicolour discharge well know. Has that cleared up by the way?
You cunts should do some work.
If I was a normal person I would be offended by that comment, but given its Friday and your shout...I will let you off.
lol - I'm sure the plane ride and the time difference doesn't help.
My heads going "what am I doing? oh that. bugger. why are my fingers numb? oh that's right... now what was i doing? oh bugger." etc etc. The few brain cells I have left are doing loop-d-loops. It's quite disturbing.
Kate... why are your fingers numb? And, how long have you been doing it for? 8(
It's hard to remember when it started, but my eyesight is definitely deteriorating.
I could go another bag of burger rings.
there's nobody worth breeding with if it means giving up booze and good clothing. ;)
If two functioning alcoholics breed does it cancel out in the offspring? ;-)
just as you return, i leave. see you when i get back. hope the music was good. you missed the goats.
yawn yawn......
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