In the soon-to-be-bigger-and-better MP3-blogger section of our show, we will present no-fi electro (Coin, TV On the Radio), quite possibly the funniest album title ever (TV On The Radio's OK Calculator), greatest pop moments in Norwegian black metal (Emperor's Anthemn to the Welkin at Dusk), my new favourite band (Animal Collective), possibly even better than all this, brand-new-unreleased-and-quite-feasibly-never-to-be-so tracks from your gracious host; and many, many, more.
Also: local bar reviews (in the section entitled If Wellington Never Had Another Like This We'd Never Miss 'Er, Truly); smarmy-twat 'travel' writing (in the 101 Reasons Why No-one In Their Right Mind Would Live Here section); Blog-reviews (in the Sad, Miguided Also-Rans section); and the Definitive Compendium of Obituaries of Bob Moog (starting with the Economist one, probably).
I had to read that twice - but I am blonde.
RIP Mr Moog of Asheville, N.C, U.S.A. Father of the Sound of Moog.
On the lighter side I found another place to post your pussy
OK, so I 'invented' a new drink (the "2005 Martini"?). I didn't think it tasted that bad...
And you're exaggerating your Sunday hangover wildly. You wouldn't have made it through yum char in one piece if you were suffering that badly... ;-)
Looking forward to the bar reviews. Perhaps it could finally replace the looked-promising-but-laughably-out-of-date World's Best Bars site. It thinks that Q still exists. It thinks that Jet is hip!
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