Thursday, May 31, 2007


Stunned to discover (via Trademe) that the practice of making blackface minstrel dolls for children ("golliwogs") is still going strong in New Zealand. (Don't believe me? Check out this search.)

I'm sorry, but wha? Didn't these become passe -- if not completely unacceptable -- at least 30 years ago?

I'm surprised they don't come with tee-shirts which say things like "Lazy" and "Goodfernothing" and "Shiftless jigger" and "Lock up yer valuables" and so on.


My friend David is giving an address at the Film Archive on Saturday afternoon. It's called something like Why Science-Fiction is the only legitimate artform of the 20th and 21st centuries. Read about it at the Wellingtonista.

It's going to be great.


NP: Curtis Mayfield and the Impressions - We people that are darker than blue (listen).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obviously you haven't been to the toy section at kirks. Katia's a big fan of your cactus painting too - she stares and stares at it.