Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Blonde at the Bar

Cracker beat me to it, but whatever.. The Herald has started a new "Sex and the City"-style blog thing called Blonde at the Bar. Yeah, exactly.

It's written by one of their reporters, Joanna Hunkin, and her frivolous, misguided, facile drivel is only just inconsequential enough to avoid spoiling your breakfast. Being published on a daily basis, though, it could almost be said to be good for getting your day off to an excellent start. You know, have yourself a nice hearty laff. And the (generally acerbic/of better quality than that to which they refer) reader comments are worth the price of admission alone.

*yuk yuk yuk*

Here's the RSS feed.

(Image out out-of-focus lady and floating, disembodied cocktail-waiter hand from Jupiter Images)

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