Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I'm one of these monsters numb with grace

Yeah, whoops.. sorry about that. I've not been paying much attention to the blog for a few days; been spending a lot of mental energy on getting working on a new series of paintings.

To that end I've begun to finish-off a painting (left) which is a gift for a friend. The photo is a but washed-out and blurry sorry -- that's down to the poor light*. Also, don't worry -- I haven't gone mental. All that scratchy-scrawly stuff around the cactus is just under-painting. More on this one soon, I feel.

So to get underway on the new series I gotta clear the decks a bit. In addition to finishing this painting, I gotta:
  • Find my bloody gun stapler. I'm stumped by the disappearance of this -- I have all the staples, just not the stapler.
  • Remember who I lent my DVD of My Best Fiend to and get it back off them and watch it again to remind myself of some of the visual themes I wanted to develop but never went anywhere with or even jotted down or sketched last time I watched it.
*Note: I support the environmentally-concious rationale behind stopping the sale of incandescent bulbs, but it's going to suck for painting at night. Really, really suck.

Philip Guston would possibly agree:

Philip Guston Studio, 1969 (via Arthistoryarchive.com)

Philip Guston Bad Habits, 1970 (via National Gallery of Australia)

Philip Guston Painting, Smoking, Eating, 1973 (via Arthistoryarchive.com)

Philip Guston Pantheon, 1973 (via Arthistoryarchive.com)

Philip Guston Head and Bottle, 1975 (via Arthistoryarchive.com)

Philip Guston Story, 1978 (via Artnet.com)
All images are sourced from other sites; please click on the links to further investigate these valuable online resources.

Fuck he's good, aye?

Here's my contribution fwiw:

Stephen Clover Are You Digital?, 2003


Robyn said...

a) Stock up on incandescent bulbs.
b) Discover the shape of energy saver bulbs.

s. said...

I should possibly have clarified, it's not so much the shape of the low-energy bulbs -- which is itself a problem insofar as its not to me nearly as aesthetically pleasing -- but the light they emit is a different colour. This is problem to a painter. Expect lots of swearing. (And possibly crying.)

s. said...

... but yes, there probably will be a lot of stocking up going on.

lovebites said...

I don't rate Philip Guston. I like your one better. (and i'm not just saying that)

Unknown said...

get a small gel - like what they use on lights in telly and film - they put a small coloured gel in front of the light to change the colour it emits for the camera. sorted.

(mark at sticky will have some)

Robyn said...

My grandfather used to do DIY lightbulb tinting for his painting, by painting the bulb. I'm not sure if he'd approve of the energy-saver bulbs.

BTW, put this on your to-do list: go to the National Gallery of Australia. It's the best thing about Canberra. Excellent art in an amazing brutalist building.

s. said...

I really, really, REALLY love Studio, (1969) and also quite like Painting, Smoking, Eating (1973) and Head and Bottle (1975) but the others not so much; they were included more for examples of the lightbulb motif than as any kind of endorsement.

Having said that, though, Guston is my favourite painter -- hands down. And it's always nice to hear that people like your paintings (thanks!), but I think Are You Digital? definitely has a fair few flaws.

Some more good ones:
City Limits (1969) (Artchive)
Outskirts (1969) (Artchive)
Deluge II (1975) (Artchive)
Ancient Wall (1976) (Artchive)
Room (1976) (Artchive)
Entrance (1979) (Artchive)
Talking (1979) (Artchive)

One other thing to remember: these paintings are HUUUGE. For example, Painting, Smoking, Eating (1973) is 77 1/2 x 103 1/2 in. -- or approximately 2m x 2.6m!

Anonymous said...

good to hear you're still painting!