Monday, June 02, 2008

I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin'

I'm becoming more and more convinced that I am in control of the weather.

I know that sounds mental, like I am having a psychotic episode or something, but the evidence is beginning to stack up. Have a look at the following timeline:

It was a lovely sunny Saturday (A) so I washed two loads of washing and hung them out. That evening a rainstorm arrived. The rainstorm persisted for a week (B), while I doggedly resisted the offers of a friend to dry my washing at her house -- preferring to run out of socks and underwear.

On a stormy Saturday morning (C) I relented, and carted my washing to her house and dried it. The weather cleared up that afternoon and a period of golden weather ensued (D), ending only on the Thursday (E) that I reckoned was a great day to wash my bedding. I hung the sheets and duvet cover out and a couple of hours later it began to piss down.

This time I was determined I was going to see it out, and get my bedding dry the natural way. It continued to piss down. After almost a week (F) I took everything to my long-suffering friend's house (G) and dried it in her machine.

Thence followed a delightful few days (H) of Indian-summer style weather. Yesterday (I), I reckoned that I should run another quick load through the machine and get it dry. It seemed only moments after I hung everything out that the downpour started.

And on and on it goes.

It's clear that in order to stop the weather turning bad, I must not wash my clothes, and/or hang them out on the line out the back of the house. It's not so clear what is required to turn the current bad weather (X marks today) to the good again. Must I always prevail upon the kindnesses of others? Purchase a dryer? Dry the clothes some other way -- hot-water cupboard, heater, clothes-rack? I'm sorry about this. Until I figure it out, you're going to keep being cold and getting your feet wet. I can only hope the effect is localised.

In the meantime, here's a couple of songs:
Bryan Ferry - A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (3.66 MB mp3: right-click and Save As to download; play using the handy little embedded player below)

This high-camp cover of Bob Dylan's Hard Rain... got to #10 in the UK singles charts in 1973 or so. British people are sometimes quite weird like that (cf Benny Hill, the Laughing Policemen, early David Bowie etc).

The Cure - Open (4.71 MB mp3: Save As or play)

Open umm.. opens The Cure's 1992 album Wish, which is much more maligned that it deserves to be. Sure it contains a couple of 'novelty' tracks such as Friday I'm In Love, but for the most part it stands alongside bands like Spiritualised and My Bloody Valentine and Bailter Space and so on as far as downer disassociative isolationist oppressive head-fuck multitracked melanges of guitars and noise goes.

I wanted to tag this post misanthropy, but I decided it wasn't really that hateful. I wonder if I should start (another) new tag: cautiously hopeful?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, 'Wish' has a nice sound. All swirly and even sort of psychedelic. 'Cut' and 'From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea' are good songs, and as you'll know, I used to hate 'Friday I'm in Love' but came around eventually. The only stinkers on 'Wish' are 'Apart' and 'to Wish Impossible things'. Yeah, I stand by that...

s. said...

The only stinkers on 'Wish' are 'Apart' and 'to Wish Impossible things'. Yeah, I stand by that...

Ooooo you even like 'High'?

Anonymous said...

Nice theories, but it makes me think maybe my dryer meeting your clothes is what is the trouble. Either way I think you are just a pawn in the game that your washing is playing with all of us.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I even like 'High' - that sweet little riff that goes "do do do do do do" - though you can't actually hear me hum it but you know the bit I mean. It's very silly, isn't it? "When I see you sticky as lips as licky as trips I can't lick that far..." etc.