Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What did they do to chill the joy away?

Apparently there is a "love field deviation" on the corner of Normanby and Riddiford Street, in Newtown:

Thank you to the person who posted this sticker and performed this valuable public service. I'll keep well away from this tree-protector cage thingummy, cos god knows I can do without a deviation in my love field.

I'm enchanted with the possibility that the sticker is is somehow a reference to the form of the tree-protector cage thingummy, which is more than a little reminiscent of classic diagrams of di-polar (electro)magnetic field-lines in (for example) geo-physics:

(click on the diagrams to read lots more)

But I expect that it is more likely a promotional tool for an exhibition of the same name by Wellington painter REMO (Roger Morris), held earlier this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love Field is also a Dallas Airport. I don't think deviations there would go down too weel though, being Texas and all.