Thursday, May 15, 2008

Be like, "Warriors! Come out and playiyay!"

I'm not exactly sure when this appeared, but it was very recently:

Evidence of expansionism by the Eastern Suburbs' Strathmore 44 gang?

1 comment:

Robyn said...

See, when I was in Mt Eden I had my pretend gang, the N.O.T.O.R.I.O.U.S. Mt Eden 274, named after the local Mt Eden bus route.

But it looks like the Strathmore 44s have actually named themselves after a bus route.

But then, public transport is held in higher esteem in Wellington, so perhaps it is cool for these guys to name their gang after a bus. (And it's a curious combination with the Los Angeles Latino gang slang they use, esse.)

Excuse me while I consult Metlink to find the name of my new gang.