Friday, February 22, 2008

The Best 12 ANZAC War Stories EVER!

I may just have found the very most awesome book in the history of ever. Ever.

"Take that, cobber!" "Achtung!" "BANZAI!" "Donner Und Blitzen!" "Ye Gods!"

Hoo boy.


Anonymous said...

Aw, this book has been out for donkey's! Love the sly inclusion of the new SUNKEN cd in the frame, by the way. Isn't it a beauty?!

Anonymous said...

kirwan's right.

doesn't mean i didn't love these particular propaganda pieces when i was a kid though!

Anonymous said...

I just loved the reaction from the staff when you brought it out at Kazu. Can we take it to German restaurant next week, please?

s. said...

@Kirwan, @Che: Cmon, I know those Commando comics have been around for ever: I have a box of them somewhere, from the 70s and 80s. I've never seen the compendiums before, though.

@Tom: Wanna show me to the German restaurant? Will bring war comix :D

Robyn said...

Oh noez! Controversy!

Ironic fun or racist rubbish - that's the debate triggered by an anthology of war comics which describe Maori as "cannibals" and Asians as "Nips".

s. said...

I really protest at this kerfuffle. It was war. It's quite natural to dehumanise your opponents -- makes it easier to go around killing them.

I mean, how would this have gone done:

Ok lads, now those Japanese soldiers over that ridge there -- I simply won't have you referring to them as 'Nips' -- belong to a great race and have a marvelous cultural heritage which dates back thousands of years; much older and richer than our own, for example. That notwithstanding, I want you to take your guns, and grenades, and your knives, and knock 10 colours of shit out of them. Kill 'em all, lads.

Saying "Nip" is as racist as saying "Pom"; but we're only 'allowed' to still say one of them.