I first began hating you when the playlist used to make me play your fucking Giles Petersen-loving insufferably torpid "jazz" "ensemble" "electronica" whatever|nothingness bullshit on Active when I djed there. I haven't stopped.
My brother once told me that he wanted Radiohead's Exit Music (for a film) played at his funeral. That ruled because (a) I love my brother, (b) that track rules, (c) I never liked Radiohead until I heard it (d) it's kinda a cheesy song for your funeral but that's Andy in a nutshell and (e) I'm glad he felt as though he could share that with me. Hey -- I reached 30 and I achieved at least one thing. Go me.
Exit Music (for a film) is like a closet prog-rock fan-buoy's wet-dream. Fuzz bass playing lickety-split runs, pomp and ceremony, soaring vocals, mellotrons, huge modulations, pathos -- Radiohead, you really nailed it. That's why this tedious, pretentious, just-plain-LAME piece-of-shit cover hurts all the more. Why did you do it, The Cinematic Orchestra? WHY DID YOU DO IT? WHY DID YOU DO IT? WHY DID YOU DO IT?
The Cinematic Orchestra - Exit Music (for a film) (8.89 MB mp3: right-click and Save As to download)
If anything, it makes me hate you even more.
PS. I love how at some point the PR gimp who writes your press penned the sentence "The aptly named Cinematic Orchestra..."; because.. what.. it's a shit name, your band is shit, and therefore it's apt? Go figure.
The good one:
Radiohead - Exit Music (for a film) (4.04 MB mp3: right-click and Save As to download)
1 comment:
Woopsie... there now.
You'll get yours ;)
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