Thursday, July 19, 2007

Drinks after work: the do's and don'ts

Was poking through referral links (as you do) and discovered this nice, prim wee article laying out some guidelines around socialising with workmates.

Sure wish I'd paid heed to some of these in the past:

2. Don't tease the man you know has always fancied you. After a few drinks, sitting on his knee and stroking his bald patch may give out the wrong signals.
9. If you do get a lift home from a male colleague, don't invite him in unless you are 100 per cent sure of his character and your intentions.
Gor blimey.


NP: The LSD March -- Suddenly, Like Flames (Last Visible Dog) and Bailter Space -- Photon (Turnbuckle) on random-play.

"Downer murk and amp-flaming distorto rock from a young Japanese psychedelic rock trio in the wasted, wigged-out tradition of many on those PSF Tokyo Flashback comps, also harking further back of course to underground '70s lo-fi legends Les Rallizes Denudes! LSD-march, named for a track on the first, heaviest album by krautrockers Guru Guru, slowly whisper and wander through a veil of feedback and plodding rhythms. There's both gentle and searing stuff to be found here. These guys are more serious, mysterious and melancholy than Acid Mothers Temple, with a definite Velvets vibe at times. And when the guitars get cranked, this sounds like the Neil Youngiest of Nagisa Ni Te freakouts. With liner notes (and stamp of approval) from translator/psych expert Alan Cummings."

So good.

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