Monday, August 28, 2006


This is what Aro Street Park is looking like at the moment. The work to join the new Aro Street drain with the large Te Aro branch-culvert, that was laid up to the park almost a year ago now, is almost complete. On Saturday it was really freakin exciting - after a heavy fall of rain over the previous 24 hours or so, the water was fair gushing down the (temporarily) exposed culvert. You can see the water in the second picture - that's the white stuff at the bottom of the pic.

Having this all wrapped up is good for two reasons. First of all, Aro Street will no longer flood every time there's sufficient rain to overwhelm its (now former) 100+yr old brick stormwater system. This was novel, and kinda cute for a while, but soon became completely tedious.

Secondly, having the park torn up to buggery once again will provide the pedestrian commuters of Aro Valley - once again - with the opportunity to NOT cut across the grass every day on the way to and from work, thereby carving a great big track - which turns into a huge bog in wet weather - through the park and ruining it for everyone else.

In order to remind these people that other residents would appreciate it if they DIDN'T act like a bunch of selfish arseholes, I'm thinking of taking some direct action and posting a pair of small signs in the park. Problem is, I've come up blank when trying to settle on the ideal wording. This is what I've come up with so far:
Spare a thought for your fellow
residents and other park-lovers
Please DON'T cut ACROSS the GRASS
Your comments are welcome; nay, invited. Together maybe we can find the ideal mixture of humour and severity.

(click on the images to enlarge)


Kate Borrell said...

mmm - how about "KEEP OF THE GRASS CUNTS"

Anonymous said...

don't make it muddy, buddy.

Anonymous said...

1. never figured you for a 'keep off the grass' nazi - kerry is leaving a light on for you.
2. just because you don't live far enough up the valley for cutting across the grass to be an option...
3. there's nothing quite like the feeling of grass between the toes...
4. mud mud glorious mud...

s. said...

Dear Anonymous.. you'd probably like to go back and re-read my post. After that, you'll possibly wish that you could remove your comment, since:
1. At no point do I say "Keep Off The Grass". Don't keep off the grass. Just don't make 100's of pointless (see 2, below) minute detours across the grass from one side to the other, every day.
2. I've taken my tape measure to the problem, and without actually having a diagram of the pertinent geometry which I can post, please trust me when I tell you that if you are perambulating at a healthy 5km an hour, you will save a whopping 2 seconds off your journey. Hence, pointless.
3. Absolutely. Hence (1, above).
4. Whatever. Don't make me 'guess' your name ;)

Anonymous said...


i HATED that grass walk thing in the park too...i remember sitting there with big b saying how shit people where for doing that. theres a path right next to it...twats.

are the signs up? post a pic when you put em up.

good on you, brother. (i'd slap you on the back and tickle you, but i'm to far away)

back late oct-early nov for a pint.