I was able to check out a group show that Andy is participating in at The Suter gallery. It's called Undercurrent. The Suter Te Aratoi o Whakatu is pretty much Nelson's paramount art-space.
Andy exhibited a colossal light box that he pinched from a closed-down clothing store and which I had helped him wire up last time I was down. It's about 3 meters wide. I think the work also comes with a t-shirt.
I don't actually know what your [sic] thinking, but I'm thinking myself that this piece would provide a pretty inappropriate demonstration of the principles of energy transference. But at the same time, it would be pretty and spectacular to try it out.
The whole show was actually pretty great. I'd heartily recommend that you check it out if you get the chance; only I won't, 'cos it finished on Saturday the 3rd of June just passed.
The Le Champs De Miel Methode Traditionalle "New Zealand sparkling forest honey wine" is perfectly dry and deliciously flavoursome. The Nymph's Kiss Manuka Honey Liqueur is currently being evaluated for it's suitability in a Cosmopolitan as a substitute for, or companion to, the tripel sec (Cointreau or similar). So far it's faring really rather well.
(click the images for larger versions, generally)
I wholeheartedly concur with the lightbox - mighty fine - and the brains cradle is pretty damn cool as well...
1 word: cool
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