Friday, February 24, 2006


Newly discovered evidence that not only is David Farrar a cock, he also doesn't know shit about pizza.

(UPDATE: see 'Pizza Redux').


Martha Craig said...

Where do you recommend?

My favourite is mediteeerrrrreaaannnneannnnn (who can spell that damn word) Warehouse. God. I need one now. Hangover a very good excuse.

Mr Stephen Rowe said...

Farrar's blog contains the biggest number of wankers and arseholes in all of New Zealand, even Blumsky left a comment. Good grief.

I once engaged in one of their "debates" under a false name. It ended in a spittle-frenzy - they are very very easy to wind up.

Kate Borrell said...

I agree with Martha - Mediterranean Food Warehouse is very tasty as is Pizza Pomodoro in Eva St.

Kate Borrell said...

My brother does a great rendition of the Pizza Pomodoro guy. He calls my brother "hey stupid white guy". Nice.

s. said...

You lot have mostly nailed them all already. Pomodoro, if not only for their criminally good 'Calzone Massimo'; Med. Food. Whse; the one in Days Bay (next to Cobar).

Boulot looked promising, but the bottom of my Quattro Formaggio was burnt. Hence one of my NYE resolutions.

Kate Borrell said...

I keep meaning to go to the one in Days Bay. My friend and his cousin run that. Well mainly his cousin. His English is entertaining.

Tom said...

The bottom of a pizza is supposed to be slightly burnt: I've even heard a possibly apocryphal etymology claiming that that's where the word "pizza" comes from (though I can't find anything to back that up now, and Wikipedia disagrees with me).

Though there's a difference between a bit of charring and a really burnt pizza, of course. Calzone still do fairly decent pizza, and Zibibbo is excellent (mmmm, potato & rosemary). Has anyone tried the pizze at Il Piccolo?

s. said...

Tom, you can always be relied upon to say something like "apochryphal etymology"; that's why we love you :)

I am happy to consume a traditionally-charred offering from the pizza-oven; this was carbonized quite beyond that level, and tasted well nasty.

s. said...

Hmmm it appears I can't do anything right. This was probably about 7pm.

However, I'm challenging the veracity of your statement, based on the distinct recollection of seeing you eat Boulot pizza at the hooley, at a similar time.

And you're right, I'm not sharing my NYE resolution.

David Farrar said...

I'm not sure what is sadder. People reading and responding to posts I made over 12 months ago, or the fact of all the many things in the world one can attack me about, you chose pizza.

Thank you for the amusement.

s. said...

No problem dude. We're just getting started.

s. said...

Oooh ooh ooh I don't remember that. Which notorious blogger doesn't actually write his blog? Is it Tom? Is it Tom? Me and Sifty've often speculated about how he manages to blog so prolifically as well as hold down a f/t job, get around like he does, drink about 700 martinis in approximately 25 minutes and review them; and have a partner too.

It would be almost too easy to believe that 'WellUrban' was in fact the product of 1,000,000 monkeys; or a number of pieces of well-informed software.

s. said...

TO: Jo
RE: First paragraph of your previous comment

I'm pretty sure I havn't the slightest idea what you're talking about. Question was "Which notorious blogger doesn't actually write his blog? Is it Tom?". Can you clarify answer?

Who the hell is Che? (or Ché?)

llew said...

"I once engaged in one of their "debates" under a false name. It ended in a spittle-frenzy - they are very very easy to wind up."

Sometimes both sides of an insult fest over at Farrar's are me...

there. I've 'fessed.