Friday, August 12, 2005

Miscellany, thirst

I feel I should point out that I am fucking terrified is some sort of a new-lad response to the somewhat-earnest I am not afraid (thanks to Smackie for this link too), which went up following the recent bombings in London.

Cereal disappointment of the week: Kraft's Grape Nuts, which bear no relation to grapes or nuts, but are rather much more like little pieces of barley shrapnel which have a tendency to shred the roof of your mouth.

I wish I would stop dreaming about having sex with my workmates. And mainlining heroin into my large intestine (I don't even know if this is possible, let alone a common-practice).

Oh, and right at this moment, I really really really need a drink.


the_sifter said...

I have it on good authority (well, he was a PhD student researching the effects of narcotics on rat's brains...) that the most effective method of taking a drug is not (as I would have Trivial Pursuit-answered ' injecting') but actually smoking. Something about most direct pathway to the brain.

So don't go eating no shit... all you'll get is an upset stomach. ;-)


s. said...

In my dream i had this giant hypodermic, and my dream 'know-how' held that the easiest way of using it was to stab it into my abdomen and depress the plunger. So I did. I actually now recall seeing footage of athletes sticking steroid-laden syringes into various muscles n much the same way.

Kate Borrell said...

Are you colleagues hot?

s. said...

Erm, well, that's part of the problem. I guess their "hotness" varies, but the ones I have been dreaming about are certainly not the ones I would imagine myself being attracted to IRL.