1. Charles is a dirty ho.
The other morning she woke me around 5.30 making all sorts of racket. "Oh" thinks I, "Charles has brought a mouse in" for she was making all the right sorts of running and tossing and jumping noises. After a brief period of silence I got up to check and she surely had caught a mouse, for I saw her sitting there in the cold grey of dawn, looking very pleased with herself, chewing with a mouse-tail hanging from her mouth. "Good on ya Charles" I thought, "give it what for" and went back to bed.
An hour later I was again roused from my slumber by Charles doing her daily morning-wake-up routine. This involves jumping on the bed, standing on my chest, saying something like "rrah rrraow" and giving me a big wet sloppy Charles-kiss. A big wet sloppy Charles kiss is a strong nuzzle/headbutt where she sticks her big wet sloppy cold nose in my face, and sometimes licks me on the mouth as well. Usually I manage to avoid the licking; this morning I did not and I spent several minutes feeling sick and trying to convince myself that I hadn't just earlier seen her chewing on vermin. I succeeded partially; the self-deception lasted until I got up and stood on a still-juicy mouse-tail in the bathroom.
2. Java my script up, masher
Hey the second piece of Java-script I've ever written is now live on this page. See if you can spot it. (Tip - you might have to refresh the page a couple of times).
And of course if you're enough of a nerd you'll know how to inspect the page source and so on. So get fucked. I'm mainly talking to you, Styles.
3. My new site.
I've been working on an electronic bio/portfolio. It's as simple as possible - it's all HTML with no scripting or anything, 'cos I want to be able to drive off of a CD-ROM. To test it I loaded it onto stephenclover.sphosting.com. I'm also experimenting with an idea to foil email-address harvesters - encoding my email address backwards in the "mailto" link. I'm not sure that it's so obvious what to do once your mail app fires up, though. Ultimately I will write a piece of code which decodes some sort of an encoded email address - like my own derivation of base-64, or the weird encoding they use in SMS messages or similar... and this will work like a treat!
Anyway if you wanna check it out go right ahead but be warned; pop-ups galore!
4. Good, free, no-ads, no-pop-ups web-hosting.
Is there such a thing? Any suggestions. Subdomains are ok. Or else, anyone want to lend me some webspace and a subdomain while I get this thing going? I plan to ultimately get a domain and proper hosting and so on, but for the moment, I'll consider anything.
5. WTF of the week.
Is it my imagination, or are cullottes somehow back in fashion? Perhaps not ones like those (right) but cullottes all the same?
Sorry Stephen, but I wouldn't know Java script if it came and smacked me on the face, and I refreshed...
And I'd like to see more of your art. I buy quite a bit of art, and all yours seemed to be a bit rude. Which isn't a bad thing. Half of our pictures are of cigarettes (the drug of the 90s - you may need to go out to the Hutt to see any of it now).
I'm quite pissed, it is appropriate, but I hope it makes sense.
Oh and PS. I don't think blogspot has popups.
Martha you have a good point. So watch the strap-line up there beneath the banner. It used to say tales from the city 100% exclusive-like. Now it 'randomly' sez other stuff too.
Thanks for your kind remarks about my art. I'll let you know when I have updated my portfolio site. Hopefully I get the chance to add some more stuff soon.
Rude art? Don't know about any of that. It's straight from the heart, y'know?
Hey I used to be a smoker. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with a hard-on and the taste of a Marlboro red in my mouth. And I'm pretty sure it's not because Geek Slut has just been over, either.
Another way to do it:
(this one from the Blogger FAQ page actually...)
I like it. Think I will copy and do the same ;-)
Are you sure those aren't your pants?
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