Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Tit fer tat

Rumour has it that the originating email outing the two scoundrels involved in the ex-sports-star-turned-tv-celeb drug-scandal came from inside TVNZ. Now a (bizarre) (seemingly-revenge-motivated) story surfaces a few days later that a TVNZ presenter is facing charges of sexual violation and assault. Somehow the ACT party got involved (oh wait, TVNZ is the state broadcaster, so of course the whole thing has to be discussed ad nauseum in Parliament, and the government blamed) and Bob's your uncle... or if not your uncle, a very good friend of your father's.

And so on and so on.

Play nicely, kids.


David Cauchi said...

I wonder if that's got something to do with a certain male TV1 late news presenter suddenly being dropped...

s. said...

I feel some "stress leave" coming on.

But seriously, ACT's Stephen Franks claims that TVNZ supported the name suppression bid in a move designed to "save the programme ratings till the programme ends"; if true, this doesn't really fit in with the model of the late news bulletin. Irregardless, I assume protecting the identity of those involved comes further down on the priority list.

My favourite bit in this story is Franks (presumably playing naïve for effect) questioning how 'TVNZ could have supported the application "given that it is an organisation supposed to report facts and not to suppress them"'. Is that why TVNZ runs so much so-called 'reality-TV', I wonder?