Friday, July 29, 2005


On a whim I just updated my blogger profile, and I selected Chemicals as my "industry". While technically untrue, you can only select one "industry", and I felt that my "industry" was much more multi-facted than one selection would allow. Anyway, considering the name of my blog and my activity of the last few weeks, I felt Chemicals was somewhat justified, if not as an "industry" then at least an occupation. It also turns up some interesting blogs when you follow the link to see who else in the blogosphere (neologism of the day, possibly) is in the "industry" of Chemicals.

I was also quite interested in the "industry" of Religion.

I still didn't get around to filling in some of the the other fields like Interests and Favourite Books and so on. I guess maybe one day I'll feel focused enough to choose some.

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