Saturday, March 05, 2005

The Voice of the Taniwha

My new album The Voice of the Taniwha is now out. It's been released on the Providence, RI label Last Visible Dog.

Here's what label honcho Chris Moon wrote about it:
Another of the NZ bands that have risen in the aftermath of the mid-90's free noise frenzy, but seht is much more about minimalism, field recordings, and still, beautiful moments. Some tracks here (like Canned Laughter) are quite experimental and outright disturbing while others focus only on solo acoustic guitar. [...] seht demonstrates an all-too-genius use of field recordings, the pinnacle of which being the 10 minute 'St. Valentine's Day 2003' that escalates a found recording of a Salvation Army band to near cosmic proportions!
I'm really proud of it and glad it's finally seen the light of day (the release schedule has been somewhat impeded by factors out of my control). Gotta show my gratitude to my brother Andy for his work on the cover design, and the contributors and guest artists too. Oh, and I know I owes some of ya a copy - please rest assured you'll be hearing from me shortly.


David Cauchi said...

Yeah man, canned laughter's definitely a good 'un. Bloody good effort all round.

Rose said...

Stephen - SOD and I were both reminded of Rev Dwight Frizell. If you haven't heard him, you should have a listen (got a CD if you wanna find out more). Seth is recommended bedtime listening. No, it doesn't put you to sleep. It's just good for listening to with no distractions. Thank you. x

Anonymous said...

Congrats, stephen--

It sounds like an exciting recording. Glad to see some innovation coming from your neck of the woods; wish there'd be some from mine ;) Best of luck with it!

Anonymous said...

shizer. i havent heard it yet!
i'll come around with a blank tape in a couple of days. ha ha this remind me..i'll put a link from my site