Thursday, September 30, 2004

Roger Kerr to Deborah Coddington

... Would you like to *hrmpph* come up to my *hrmpph* apartment and *hrmpph*... look at my *hrmpph* bond certificates? *hrmpph* *fst fst fst fst Tweet* I can assure you my uhh *hrmpph* intentions are honourable *fst fst*... I've got a big *fst* round *hrmpph* table, don't you know...


Anonymous said...

There could be nothing creepier than this. It is manifestly the ceepiest thing I have ever heard. Can somebody please invent a new word for this level of uber-creepiness than truly doe sit justice?

Anonymous said...

Codswhallop seems to inhabit the same position of middle-aged right wing lust object as Ann Coulter does in the US.


I'm going to take a shower.

s. said...

True [re. Ann Coulter]. This is quite creepy, too.